Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Fish Recipes

In many ways, white meat is a great resource for cooking. It will take any flavor that you give it, and no matter what you do with it, it will probably taste good. Unfortunately, this all has a downside. The cheapness and availability of chicken, pork, and other meats has made us lazy. It is too easy to make something that is reasonably appetizing. As a result, we eat too much meat. Our diets sufferer, our taste buds suffer, and ultimately our health suffers. Learning a few new fish recipes can be the perfect way to cure the meat and potatoes blues.

Many people stay away from cooking fish because they assume that it is too hard. Although fish recipes do take a little bit more effort than chicken recipes, They are easier than you would imagine. Perhaps the most classic fish recipe, baked salmon, is actually one of the easiest dishes imaginable. All you have to do is pull off the skin, coat the fish in oil, and bake it. There is some timing involved, and you can make things better by using spices, but even if you bake salmon in the most basic way imaginable, it will still taste good. Salmon is such a rich and flavorful fish, you see, that you need to do very little to prepare it.
Of course, if you are a little bit more adventurous, you can try fish stew recipes. Cooking fish stew is a little bit difficult for some people the first time they try it. You see, most people are used to making stew with beef. When you cook beef stew, you can cook it and cook it without ruining the flavor. With fish recipes, however, timing is always important. Too little cooking and things are not safe to eat. Too much cooking and you get tough, robbery, and unappetizing food. The key to fish recipes is learning just the right timing.
Although cooking fish and chips does not have the same nutritional benefits as many other fish recipes, it can still be a great way to introduce yourself to seafood. Besides that, it is a great way to introduce your kids to seafood! The bottom line is, if you make your own fish and chips, it doesn't have to be that unhealthy. Instead of frying it in vegetable oil, you can lightly sautéed it in olive oil. If you use a light coating instead of the thick coat of greasy batter than is usually employed, it is reasonably healthy for you, and absolutely delicious.

Healthy Lunch Recipes

People today are becoming more and more conscious of eating well and staying healthy. The media message is that we need to take care of our bodies, and the response from the public is that they agree. Magazines for women and men have more articles about exercising and staying fit, as well as information about foods we should eat and foods to avoid. Everyone’s well aware that staying fit is important, and we all know basic sports to keep ourselves in shape, but when it comes to meals, cooking healthy is a different story.

As far as foods and meals go, the barrage of recipes focus mainly on start-up breakfasts and family suppers, but it’s important to keep in mind that we need more than two meals a day. Humans are grazers and should eat frequently, in smaller portions. Grabbing lunch on the go or skipping it completely is something we all do and should avoid. So how should we curb the urge to miss that mid-day meal, the one that takes precious minutes of our day time away? Finding healthy lunch recipes that are fast and can be eaten on the go is the best solution to keeping the three-meal-a-day rule.

So where should you look for the best meal ideas? Start by picking up a magazine from the shelf, one that deals with family living or cooking. You’ll be able to find at least a few healthy lunch recipes sandwiched in between the supper ones. Try variations on healthy lunch recipes you find, and go one step further and convert the supper recipes to great make-ahead lunch ones. Cooking up a fancy pasta salad can do double-duty and you could have the meal carry over to mid-day instead of serving it at six.

More recipes can be found in cookbooks. Peruse the local book store and check the back covers of books and they’ll tell you faster if the book focuses on healthy lunch recipes than if you simply leafed through it. A trip to the library might be even better than a bookstore, as you won’t have to spend money for books, and you can copy out the healthy lunch recipes to keep.

You can also ask friends for any ideas they have for your mid-day meal. Quite often people will experiment trying to find healthy lunch recipes and they may be able to offer you some helpful meal plans.

The Internet can provide you with thousands and thousands of meal ideas, tips and tricks, and you’ll be guaranteed to find so many healthy lunch recipes that you may never want to cook another breakfast or supper meal again!